What is Cloud Security Remediation?

Cloud security remediation refers to the process of identifying, prioritizing, and fixing vulnerabilities or issues within a cloud computing environment. It is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure and robust cloud infrastructure. As organizations increasingly rely on cloud services to store, process, and manage their data and applications, ensuring the security of these resources is paramount.

Intro to Cloud Security Remediation

Key Components of Cloud Security Remediation:

1. Code to cloud visibility

In order to remediate issues at the root cause level, a view is needed not only across cloud infrastructure but also across the entire CI/CD pipeline. This requires documenting every path that code follows from development to cloud deployment, every resource that touches it along the way, and every vulnerability that affects it.

2. Risk prioritization

Every detection tool has different severity and risk weightings. In order to truly prioritize which issues to fix first, it’s important to combine security finding severities with threat intelligence and business logic to flag the risks that are most imminent.

3. CI/CD pipeline security best practices and governance

Beyond remediating detected vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and gaps within the CI/CD pipeline can often occur. To streamline remediation efforts, security teams need continuous monitoring of shadow deployments, unscanned core repositories, missing guardrails, live secrets, and more.

4. Automated root cause analysis 

This is perhaps the most important aspect of cloud security remediation - actually implementing fixes where vulnerabilities originate. This requires the ability to continuously ingest security alerts and automatically deduplicate them in order to trace security findings to their origin- whether they are lines of code, golden images, or manually created cloud resources with misconfigurations

5. Developer attribution

It’s one thing to find what needs to be fixed, but it doesn’t help if you don’t know who can make the fix. Linking the identity of code and cloud infrastructure owners to identified root causes makes it easier to send tickets and issues to the right people who can implement the fix.

6. Ticketing orchestration and workflow automation

Meeting developers where they are, and where they work is a core aspect of DevSecOps and also integral to the remediation process. Cloud Security Remediation includes automatic ticket generation, where tickets are contextualized with root cause to developers.

7. SLA tracking

Once you’ve put together prioritization vulnerabilities, and implemented fixes at the root cause level, it’s possible to meet and exceed company-defined SLAs.  Cloud Security Remediation platforms should track ticket status with bi-directional ticketing integrations, and clearly visualize how remediation timelines compare to company-defined SLAs, with a granular breakdown by business unit, issue type, and more.

Why Cloud Security Remediation Matters:

Protecting Sensitive Data
Cloud environments often store sensitive information. Remediation ensures that this data is protected from unauthorized access or exposure.
Increasing Developer Efficiency
Focusing developers on fixing issues at the root cause reduces alert fatigue, prevents vulnerabilities from recurring, and lets developers do what they do best - building software.
Preserving Business Continuity
Security vulnerabilities can lead to data breaches, downtime, and other disruptions. Remediation efforts help maintain business operations and prevent costly incidents.

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