
Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)

In today's digital age, applications drive the business, and it's essential to ensure their security. That's where Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) comes into play. ‍

Application Security Posture Management— What it is and what it does

At its core, Application Security Posture Management is a way to address application security more comprehensively, unifying security visibility by utilizing data from your wide range of developer and security tools. The right ASPM solution will give security and app owners the ability to automatically drill down to root causes—specifying exact lines of code responsible for security issues, triaging those issues to prioritize the most critical fixes first, and assigning and suggesting fixes to the correct owner.

Early vendors in this category built solutions to help security teams address risks primarily from existing AppSec tools. However, the explosion of cloud computing in recent years has accelerated a complicated and volatile attack surface for applications that now spans on-premise, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructures.

ASPM solutions improve visibility and help teams manage vulnerabilities easily while enforcing security controls.

Namely, ASPM:

  • Improves coverage: An area where Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC—ASPM’s predecessor) isn’t able to keep up with ASPM is better telemetry with cloud infrastructure. ASPM offers the ability to unify security efforts across code, applications, cloud, and on-premise infrastructure. A single, cohesive view is essential, tailored to a company’s particular way of doing things, no matter how the development process is managed or where the application is deployed.
  • Remediates vulnerabilities: An ASPM solution with machine learning and large language models incorporated can suggest code fixes to the right users. If the fix seems workable, all the root cause owner needs to do is confirm the fix and add it to the next pull request.
  • Correlates findings: Correlation solves problems with incomplete data (knowing what application is running on a certain virtual machine where security risk has been detected), conflicting data (getting context from multiple sources), and bringing together alerts into one single alert to simplify remediation processes.
  • Gets to root causes: A single, correlated view quickly gets teams to the point of origin to understand how a security issue was introduced, what development pipelines look like, how applications are built, and how those applications are deployed. The best ASPM solutions highlight root causes automatically, down to the code and code owner level.
  • Triages and prioritizes: ASPM allows you to look at multiple data points, apply triage logic, and prioritize fixes accordingly. The best part is ASPM can do this automatically, cutting through potentially massive backlogs of issues and denoting exactly where to begin.

‍The Use of AI in ASPM

Next-generation ASPM solutions have grown up in the cloud computing era, are more dynamic, and are built to help security teams deal with this highly complex, ever-changing environment where development is as widely distributed as your clouds. ‍

They use Generative AI, LLM, and automation technologies to ingest and graph data from security tools, cloud infrastructure, and development environments. All of this intelligence allows security teams to get rid of manual, time-intensive processes for issue interpretation, triage, and remediation. Solutions like Dazz do this all in a dev-friendly workflow, giving both security and engineering teams unprecedented levels of speed and efficiency to close risk windows lightning fast — in days versus weeks.

Traditional AppSec vs ASPM (Application Security Posture Management Solutions‍)

Traditional AppSec ASPM
Testing orchestration: Integrates security tools across the application life cycle and control their operation based on organizational policies. Understands how all tests complete each other and work better together. Provides a broad overview of the coverage of all tests across the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC). Sees how a test in a later stage can be a compensating control over a missing test in an earlier stage.
Correlation: Perform one-to-one vulnerability correlation (of related findings across tools, clouds, and dev tools), and ideally group data related to application components to represent a complete application. Takes correlation to the next level environments using AI, LLMs, and automation to extract valuable insights and obtain actionable remediation details in context, without exposing customer data to third parties.
Prioritization and triage: Offers the ability to prioritize risk, based on factors provided by users or inferred from the application. Uses AI, LLM, and automation to visualize where the most critical vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risks are in the SDLC and address them automatically. Cuts time for these manual processes by as much as 90 percent or higher.
Root cause identification: Data exists, but users conduct manual root cause analysis. Features built-in root cause analysis capabilities to automate the work out of manually figuring out where vulnerabilities and misconfigurations began. Allows code owners to fix them once at the source and be confident the same critical issues won't show up again.
Risk management: Indicates overall risk for components or applications. Enables risk-based views by role, so everyone from the CISO to the BU leader to the engineer can see MTTR SLAs. Allows stakeholders to know their true risk level across their environment by getting rid of duplicate and false positive alerts.
Identification of issue owners: NA Empowers developers to remediate issues quickly, on their terms. For example, analyzes every vulnerability, down to root cause, then prioritizes which issues should be fixed, down to the specific file or line of code. Autogenerates suggested fixes to be tested and applied in the dev workflow - be it Jira, Github, or a ticket management system.
Exposure of exploitable secrets: NA Discovers and remediates secrets, such as API keys or credentials that are live in production.
Pipeline governance / security: NA Maps modern application pipelines and finds issues in them.
Remediation: Integrates into workflow tools, such as trouble ticketing systems, and may provide guidance on possible fixes. Automatically finds code owners and arms them with contextual remediation steps. Allows developers to rapidly fix issues in their native workspace. Supports integrations with Jira, Github, and other ticket management systems.

‍ASPM solutions integrate security activities into the entire cloud application development lifecycle. Automated data analysis and data correlation help discover and prioritize critical issues in real time, while built-in root cause analysis ensures that developers fix issues at their source causes. With Dazz’s ASPM solution, security teams can be confident knowing the true risk level across their code-to-cloud environment and rest easy knowing that applications are safe against threats in the ever-changing digital landscape.

How to choose an ASPM solution

What should you consider and what should your process be when determining what ASPM solution will be the best fit for your organization’s needs?

  • Identify your biggest pain points: Detecting security issues more effectively? Remediating them quickly? Tracking down root causes? Sifting through alerts to find the sharpest needles in the haystack?
  • Assess what needs to be covered: What applications need to be covered, and how are they built?
  • Consider integrations: What best-of-breed tools can integrate into your ASPM solution?
  • Account for business context: Can the ASPM solution weight resources based on risk to your organization and the type of data being processed?
  • Determine width and breadth of capabilities and your comfort with them: Can your ASPM solution offer up ideas for fixes? Will the developer use information surfaced up to make the fix, or will the process be fully automated?
  • Get to know the reporting capabilities: Can you provide the right type of reports to different audiences (security teams, developer teams, executive stakeholders, etc.)? Can the solution customize reporting for each of these audiences?
  • Determine true ease of use: Does the solution make its API accessible and easy to use? Does the solution seamlessly tap into technology like GraphQL for comprehensive reporting?

See it for yourself.

Book a demo of the Dazz Unified Remediation Platform

Ready to see the industry’s leading ASPM solution for yourself? In 20 minutes, you will see how easy Dazz makes it to:
  1. Improve your ASPM, CTEM, and DevSecOps programs
  2. Automate how you discover, reduce, and fix security issues
  3. Correlate data and unify visibility across code, clouds, apps and infrastructure
  4. Prioritize what to fix first based on business risk
  5. Automatically analyze root causes and find owners for fixes
  6. Discover and fix secrets in production
  7. Build custom reports for everyone from engineering to board members